Geoff McFetridge


Geoff McFetridge is an artist and designer based in Los Angeles, California. The artist creates graphic images in fine lines and bold colors, playing with repetition, perspective, and simplicity. Examining the fundamental elements of the visual language, the work offers the viewer an opportunity to play with a puzzle for a moment, a puzzle that doesn’t have one simple answer. Often imitated, but never equaled, McFetridge has created unique imagery in both his personal work and commissions, which is detailed and abstract at the same time. Instinctively ignoring creative boundaries McFetridge is a truly multidisciplinary artist working across a broad scope from poetry to animation, graphics to 3D work, textile and wallpaper to paintings. McFetridge was interviewed on June 8, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA.

Interview Information


1 hr., 21 min.


Los Angeles, CA


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