Cynthia Connolly


Cynthia Connolly is a photographer, curator, letterpress printer and artist who lives in Arlington, Virginia. She graduated from both the Corcoran College of Art and Design, and Auburn University’s Rural Studio, worked for Dischord Records, booked the avant-garde performance venue, D.C. Space and was Visual Arts Curator of Artisphere, in Arlington, VA. In 1988 she published and distributed Banned in DC: Photos and Anecdotes From the DC Punk Underground (79–86) through her independent press Sun Dog Propaganda. Internationally shown and a prolific artist, her photographic work, postcards and books were exhibited in Beautiful Losers in the United States and Europe from 2004–2009 establishing herself as a pioneer in DIY culture.  Reviewed internationally, her photography is in many private collections as well as the The J. Paul Getty Museum, Smithsonian Museum of American History and the Corcoran Gallery of Art. She is Special Projects Curator for Arlington County, VA and continues to search the world both as curator and artist to connect disparate places, people and things. Cynthia Connolly was interviewed in Washington, DC on June 28, 2005.

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1 hr, 15 min.


Washington, DC


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